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Don't Sleep on the Importance of Edge Computing

The paradigm on where computing transpires continues to shift. Through time the following terms have been used: mainframe / desktop, thin / fat clients,  on / off premises and app / cloud. As many publications discuss the implications of 5G, IoT, sensors and killer apps, the underlying opportunity that may provide higher and more reliable growth to entrepreneurs and investors is the need for edge computing. Even if 5G deployment delays persist, edge computing offers significant benefits.

...for 5G to deliver on its promises, it must be coupled with edge computing. Edge computing can enable 5G to deliver on its latency and bandwidth requirements. While 5G will increase the capacity of the network, and make it faster, edge computing will enable applications to be hosted physically nearer to the end-user. This means that data packets do not have to travel as far, i.e. all the way to a centralised cloud. Consequently, applications with low latency and high bandwidth requirements (e.g. augmented reality, IoT, cloud gaming, etc.) should be able to deliver on customer experience with edge computing, before 5G has matured.


5g, edge computing, iot